BAINTECH Surface Mount Double DC 12V LCD Volt Meter BAINTECH BTDCM003 Surface Mount Double DC 12V LCD Volt Meter

BAINTECH BTDCM003 Surface Mount Double DC 12V LCD Volt Meter

$114 inc GST.

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Model No BTDCM003
Description BAINTECH BTDCM003 Surface Mount Double DC 12V LCD Volt Meter
Weight(kg) 0.360

BAINTECH BTDCM003 Surface Mount Double DC 12V LCD Volt Meter

This is your basic meter: no bells and whistles, but no big price tag, either. It simply gives you a reading of the current voltage on your battery. If you want an inexpensive, easy-to-install, basic meter, this is the one to choose.

Baintech Volt Meter sheds light on your powerCompact, affordable and easy to self-install, this single unit lets you measure the DC voltage of a single battery bank.

Data Sheet BTDCM003R1303338482_1.pdf 

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