Q: How can I contact you?
A: You can contact us any time on 02 9534 5122 or email to [email protected]. You can also come into our store and talk to one of our experts anytime. You can find us at 8A Stanley St, Peakhurst.
Q: Where is your company located?
A: Our company and main store is located in Sydney. You can find us at 8A Stanley St, Peakhurst 2210. We also have an online store.
Q: What is the best way to purchase from you?
A: The best method is to purchase goods from our online store at www.batteriesdirect.com.au . You can also come into our store in Sydney to browse in person.
Q: What does your company do?
A: We supply a wide range of batteries for all purposes as well as charging and supporting electrical equipment.
Q: What sort of products do you provide batteries for?
A: We try to provide batteries for all applications, including vehicles starting batteries, storage batteries, common household batteries such as back-up and cylindrical cells. We also provide specialised batteries for a range of equipment such as phones, medical devices, emergency lighting, mobility vehicles, power tools, cleaning devices and a range of other items. If you would like to know if there is something specific we can help with please contact us.
Q: How long have you been in operation?
A: Our company has proudly been a leading supplier of batteries and associated parts to the public for over a decade.
Q: Do you offer any other services?
A: Yes, we also provide technical assistance as best as we are able on a wide range of topics. Any issues ranging from batteries, charges, solar panels and their instrumentation we can assist with. We also have a mechanic who can change car batteries if you bring the vehicle to our store at 8A Stanley St, Peakhurst, Sydney.